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Welcome to your opportunity for fame

Greetings Gladiator

In the ancient past, duels were fought with swords. Now they are fought in the Arena, a strange and dangerous place with deadly hazards like cannons, spinning blades, lava, and the dreaded cacti. You and your opponent may also find yourselves growing to an incredible size, floating in lower gravity, or even moving in reverse! Oh yeah, and you also have swords.



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Silence washes over the crowds as two lone gladiators take the stage.  Squaring off, swords at the ready, the gladiators prepare to fight.  To fight for glory, victory, to fight for their life, and for mad gloating rights.

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Gladiators be careful, because your adversary is not your only danger.  In battle, you can encounter spinning death wheels, low gravity, bombs, cacti, and even abnormal growth spurts!  The terrain will be constantly changing, and as it does, so must your strategy.  Stay focused, lest sure victory become sudden defeat.

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To win your gladiator combat, you must deal 3 fatal blows to your adversary.  But the traps on the stage can also threaten mortal peril.  So beware bombs and lava that can mean death.  Beware cacti and windmills of death.  Beware the edge of the stage, while it's usually safe, sometimes you can fall to your death!  And lastly, beware your opponent, who is surely trying to slash you to death.

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Game Programmer

Griffin Richards

I’m a Computer and Environmental Science Major at Tufts, and I was one of the programmers working on the game. The majority of my work focused on how the in-game events function, from how they’re chosen and executed to how they interact with the player. It was really gratifying to have visual feedback as we watched our game develop on-screen. Developing the game taught me a lot about the standard Unity and C# libraries, especially IEnumerators.



Thank you for your interest in Slashy Sword Boomy Battle. For any questions or comments, please contact us today. We’re happy to be in touch!

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